Knowing how much memory is in your PC is one thing, but knowing whether that amount is enough is entirely different! The amount of memory your PC needs depends largely on the memory requirement of your software. Here’s how to test your PC’s memory:


Load and run several programs simultaneously.

You need to make the computer very busy. These need to be big programs, such as Photoshop, Word, and Excel.


Switch between the programs while they’re all running.

Press the Alt+Esc key combination to switch from one program to another.


If you can easily switch between several running programs by using Alt+Esc, your PC most likely has plenty of memory. But, if you press Alt+Esc and the system slows down, you hear the hard drives rumbling, and it takes a bit of time for the next program’s window to appear, your PC could use more memory.

Generally speaking, all PCs should have at least 512MB of RAM, which is what you need, at minimum, to run Windows.