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FORTINET FortiTester 100F Network Testing Device - Network Testing, Network Security Management, Twisted Pair Cable Testing, Fiber Optic Cable Testing - USB - 2 x Network (RJ-45) - 4 Number of Total Expansion Slot(s) - SFP, SFP+ - 4 Number of SFP Slot(s)

FORTINET FortiTester 100F Network Testing Device - Network Testing, Network Security Management, Twisted Pair Cable Testing, Fiber Optic Cable Testing - USB - 2 x Network (RJ-45) - 4 Number of Total Expansion Slot(s) - SFP, SFP+ - 4 Number of SFP Slot(s)
Part Number: FTS-100F
Availability: 5 or more
Condition: New
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Fortinet FortiTester 100F Network Testing Device - Network Testing, Network Security Management, Twisted Pair Cable Testing, Fiber Optic Cable Testing - USB - 2 x Network (RJ-45) - 4 Number of Total Expansion Slot(s) - SFP, SFP+ - 4 Number of SFP Slot(s) - Twisted Pair, Optical Fiber - Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet - 1000Base-X, 1000Base-T, 10GBase-X

Performance Testing and Breach Attack Simulation Fortinet''s FortiTester solution offers enterprise and managed service providers a highly effective and affordable solution to ensure the most SECURE and RESILIENT infrastructure. Continuous validation is the best way to maintain a futureproof and secure infrastructure. FortiTester defines Network Performance Testing and Breach Attack Simulation (BAS) market, where security operations can assess the people, process, and technology on which the security of their organization depends.Performance Testing and Traffic Generation HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, UDP Throughput, RFC2544, SSLVPN and IPSEC testing, Traffic enterprise mix generation, and Q-in-Q traffic generation Breach Attack Simulation MITRE ATT&CK simulation testing, CVE-based IPS testing, Fuzzing testing, Web/IOT attacks, FortiGuard Malware strike pack (with 20+ Ransomware), DDoS traffic generation, and PCAP replay Comprehensive API Automate testing and simulation with full system, test simulation, and reporting API