SKB 10U Roto Shock Rack - Internal Dimensions: 19" Width x 28.50" Depth x 17.75" Height - External D..
SKB iSeries 2922-16 Case w/Think Tank Designed Liner - Internal Dimensions: 27.50" Length x 20.50" W..
SKB iSeries 1610-10 Waterproof Utility Case w/Cubed Foam - Internal Dimensions: 16" Length x 10" Wid..
SKB 3R 12" Deep Roto Mil-Standard Waterproof Case - Internal Dimensions: 22" Width x 12" Depth x 22"..
SKB Mil-Standard Injection Molded Case - Internal Dimensions: 18.50" Width x 13" Depth x 7" Height -..
SKB iSeries 2424-14 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 24" Length x 24" Width x 14" Dept..
SKB iSeries 1209 Custom Single Pistol Case - External Dimensions: 13.1" Length x 11.4" Width x 5.5" ..
SKB SKB R Series 3834-23 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 38.27" Length x 34.25" Width..
SKB iSeries 2015-10 Eight Handgun Case - External Dimensions: 23" Length x 18" Width x 11.5" Height ..
SKB iSeries 1711-6 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 17" Length x 11.50" Width x 6" Dep..
SKB R Series 7532-27 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 74.84" Length x 32.01" Width x 2..
SKB R Series 2523-26 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 25.75" Length x 23.11" Width x 2..
SKB R Series 7408-8 Waterproof Utility Case w/Wheels - Internal Dimensions: 74.02" Length x 7.99" Wi..
SKB iSeries Waterproof Custom 27" iMac Case - External Dimensions: 31.8" Length x 24.6" Width x 12.2..
SKB iSeries 2922-10 Waterproof Utility Case w/Think Tank Designed Dividers - Internal Dimensions: 27..
SKB iSeries 6018-8 Waterproof Utility Case (With Layered Foam) - Internal Dimensions: 60" Length x 1..
SKB iSeries 6018-8 Waterproof Utility Case (empty) - Internal Dimensions: 60" Length x 18" Width x 8..
SKB iSeries 5616-9 Waterproof Utility Case (with Layered Foam) - Internal Dimensions: 56" Length x 1..
SKB iSeries 5616-9 Waterproof Utility Case (Empty) - Internal Dimensions: 56" Length x 16" Width x 9..
SKB 3R Military-Standard Waterproof Shipping Box - Internal Dimensions: 52" Width x 12.12" Depth x 8..
SKB 3R 15" Roto Military Standard Waterproof Case - Internal Dimensions: 25" Width x 15" Depth x 30"..
SKB 3R Roto Molded Waterproof Case - Internal Dimensions: 24" Width x 24" Depth x 24" Height - 59.84..
SKB iSeries 1914N-8 Waterproof Utility Case - Internal Dimensions: 19" Length x 14.50" Width x 8" De..
SKB iSeries 1914-8 Waterproof Case (with Layered Foam) - Internal Dimensions: 19" Length x 14.38" Wi..
SKB 3I Mil-Std Waterproof Case with Wheels and Pull Handle - Internal Dimensions: 14.25" Width x 19"..